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January 2022
We helped 30 people in January! We provided a handful of bus passes as a means for transportation to work, interviews, and medical appointments. Food access was once again our largest need, followed by employment, benefits and housing. We are off to a very fast start and I am excited to see what this year of growth brings!

Community Impact 2021
In 2021 we helped 388 people!! Food access, housing, and employment/education were our top areas of support, with us helping as many as 45 people a month! Read more about our community impact in 2021 in our yearly update!

December 2021
This month we helped 27 people! Our largest resource service was housing and employment.

November 2021
In November, we helped 40 people and received 2 new referrals. The majority of our services were in food access and education / employment / financial. Our second most popular services were in housing. Our total number of people helped this year is now nearly 350 people!