Monthly Updates
September 2021
We helped 45 people this month!! We’ve been getting an increasing amount of new contacts each month and got 7 in September alone! Housing was our biggest need, followed by education and employment. Help us find more people to help by sharing our website, content, and service opportunities with your friends!
August 2021
Last month we had one of our busiest month - we helped 34 people! We were able to assist 20 people with affordable housing alone and had 6 new referrals from other agencies, current allies, and our website.
April 2021
This month we were able to help 29 people gain access to food, affordable housing, benefits, and more!
March 2021
This month we experienced less of a need for food access and more of a need for help with taxes and transportation. Read our latest Ally Story to hear about our firsthand experience with ongoing issues in the healthcare industry.
February 2021
This February we helped 24 people!! We helped 11 people gain access to food, 5 with benefits applications, 5 with housing, and 3 with employment. In other news, we also released our new mobile application (available for download on the Google Play store) and appeared on WCPO Channel 9 News!