Building A Better Neighborhood
Who We Are
Neighborhood Allies 513 was founded in 2016 by experts who understand the physical, emotional, and societal struggles those who live in extreme poverty face every day. We are a Cincinnati based non-profit that provides fundamental resources and community-based support to those who need it most.
Our team knows firsthand the challenges those in extreme poverty face, because we used to be them. Our personal background combined with decades of professional experience makes us effective at rebuilding our community.
We aim to eliminate the stigma surrounding giving and receiving support. It is our duty as a community to improve the lives of those who desperately need help and encourage positive changes to the system. Our goal is to bridge the resource gap in our community by delivering services that other organizations can not.
2022 Year End Review
Neighborhood Allies In The Beginning
Case Manager
Our community has been struggling with extreme poverty for many years. In 2015, we realized that the most overlooked areas are the gaps between services and solutions.
Neighborhood Allies Formed
Neighborhood Allies 513 registered in Ohio! We formed a board of educated and experienced members and completed the necessary bylaws.
Launched a GoFundMe and recieved overwhelming support to attain a Non-Profit Status.
First Ally
We recieved our first refferal from the Veterans Agency and provided the Ally with transportation from the nursing home to the social security office.
Our First Year
Helped our first 80 people by providing transportation to food pantries, emergency food deliveries, and helped complete benefits applications.
We recieved a substantial grant from the Child Poverty Collaborative which kickstarted a new era of high quality care.
Our Second Year
Reached 120 Allies helped and began setting the groundwork for better community collaboration.
Our new office in Gaberials Place followed by outreach events!
Our Third Year
Second year of operation in Cincinnati, donated our first car, and hosted a Bulk Food Rescue.
Neighborhood Allies 513 became an Honored charity at The University of Cincinnati Graduate Student Government Spring Ball.
The Past Year
WCPO 9 News did a story on one of our Allys, and we joined the Avondale Quality of Life.