Affordable Housing Presentation
Transcript from Neighborhood Allies’ presentation:
For over two years, The Cincinnatus Association has been addressing the issue of the lack of affordable housing for residents of the greater Cincinnati area.
For those who may not be aware of The Cincinnatus Association, we are a member organization dedicated to the understanding of the issues facing our community and encouraging progress.
We, like many, believe that everyone desires safe, secure, and affordable housing. America is an economically developed country in which everyone should be able to meet basic needs. Yet many are housing insecure because they cannot afford the available housing.
The consequences for families and communities, who are struggling to make ends meet and have shelter, are significant. For this reason, we are diligent in our work to see change.
With that said, our Inclusion Panel of The Cincinnatus Association put together the attached educational piece to elevate this issue within our community. We are hoping that individuals and groups will take this information and share it and embrace the call to action which is at the end of this presentation.
I, along with other members of Inclusion Panel will be happy to present this
to you or a group that you identify. We also made it presenter friendly, so that anyone can present the material.
Let me know if you have any questions or are interested in this material being presented to a group. Our goal is to educate on and elevate this issue.
Thank you for taking the time to read and consider helping educate our community on this growing issue.